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(原始内容存档于2013-10-29) (英语).  Høgsberg, Kristian. Premature publicity is better than no publicity. 2008-11-03 [2016-04-06]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-06).  Interview:。

2021-03-02 [2021-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-12) (英语).  Ganesh Radha-Udayakumar. Publicity-hungry swami drinks cow urine at Delhi party to piss off coronavirus,。

2 0 2 1 - 0 3 - 0 2 [ 2 0 2 1 - 0 5 - 1 1 ] . ( yuan shi nei rong cun dang yu 2 0 2 1 - 0 5 - 1 2 ) ( ying yu ) .   G a n e s h R a d h a - U d a y a k u m a r . P u b l i c i t y - h u n g r y s w a m i d r i n k s c o w u r i n e a t D e l h i p a r t y t o p i s s o f f c o r o n a v i r u s , 。

Fighter 2007年, 第192页 斯拉甫科·斯皮里乔尔(斯洛维尼亚语:Slavko Splichal). Principles of Publicity and Press Freedom. 美国乔治王子县: 罗曼和利特尔菲尔德出版集团公司(英语:Rowman & Littlefield).。


Frank House. [2012-04-17]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-17).  Stichting, Anne Frank. Publicity about Anne Frank and her Diary: Ten questions on the authenticity of the。

Releasing. 27 March 2020 [27 March 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-02-23) –通过Fetch Publicity.  Official website,存档于互联网档案馆(存档日期 August 4, 2020) 互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《生态箱》的资料(英文)。

[November 30, 2022]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2022-11-30) (美国英语).  Bad publicity may boost book sales. The Stanford Daily. 2011-02-23 [2022-12-06]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-25)。

金正日曾出任此部门工作,负责制作电影和排练阿里郎集体操。现任部长朴光浩,第一副部长为金正恩的妹妹金与正。 此部门官方英语翻译为Publicity and Information Department,即“公关讯息部”。 1948年3月:朴昌玉 金道满 1953年:金昌满 1973年7月:金正日。

Epstein, "During these first runs, films got their reviews, garnered publicity, and generated the word of mouth that served as the principal form of。

Mathison (Trieste Kelly Dunn), being the lone survivor. To avoid negative publicity, the airline is complicit in getting a negligence lawsuit brought against。

“商品化权”一词来源于日本移植美国法“Merchandising Right”的翻译,其本义为权利人或被许可人与商品相联系地使用角色的必要人格特征,利用角色对消费者的吸引力,使潜在的消费者产生购买愿望。 “商品化权”这个概念最早起源于美国法律中的“形象权”(right of publicity),它是从传统的隐私权(right of。


to Steal My Husband)【C.N.Williamson】1925年10月国际性 1925年《安妮的宣传》【C·N·威廉森】(Publicity for Anne)【C.N.Williamson】1925年12月19日 1927年《憎恨的蜜月》【C·N·威廉森】(Honeymoon Hate)【C。


little publicity and few restrictions because it took the world's focus off of Natalee, but only for a brief time. The huge amount of publicity had waned。

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most persons would go in and out of the gate during the day. Also, the publicity that would be afforded any trial at the gate would tend to influence the。


of the Corvair for 1965, but sales did not recover from the negative publicity and it was discontinued. The large, rear-engine Tatra 87 (known as the。

Iran: Uk Grants Asylum To Victim Of Tehran Persecution Of Gays, Citing Publicity. The Daily Telegraph (London). 2011-01-04 [2022-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-06)。

. CNN. May 5, 2007. Luscombe, Richard. Sex video gives hotel heiress publicity money cant buy: Paris Hilton embarrassed at scandal which conveniently。


Reminiscences of the Resistance Movement in Tibet. Dharamsala: Information and Publicity Office of H.H. the Dalai Lama. 1973. OCLC 815876445. (英文) Travis Benjamin。

Journal)找到了一份工作。1919年已升任新闻编辑。 在爱尔兰独立战爭之后,雷斯特的一些朋友加入了爱尔兰自由邦的新政府,找来他担任宣传主任(Director of Publicity)。1920年,雷斯特与伊莉莎白·露丝·提勒尔(Elizabeth Ruth Tyrrell)结婚,婚后育有三女。。

Santa musical to public schools for free – and gets tons of priceless publicity. The Washington Post. 2014-12-25 [2021-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-13).  Elliott。

Press. 2011. ISBN 9780774842686.  Russell Padmore. Armenia in global publicity drive. BBC. 2014-09-11 [2015-02-14]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-09).  Nanor Kebranian。

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